How to Maintain Score in Scrabble

To know how to maintain score in Scrabble is easy, but it is not also essential. However, Scrabble word finder assists you with word tips you need to maintain score in scrabble. Every letter in Scrabble has its worth, although some points on scrabble board worth more points than others. Lastly, there is a little exceptional situation where Scrabble scoring varies than other points of the game.

Scrabble Tiles - Point Values

Though, some player use scrabble cheat or Scrabble help to form words with this tiles. Here is a table that shows the point values of every tile in scrabble. I will also include a table to illustrate the number of each letter that exists in a normal scrabble game. Once you place any of these letter tiles on the Scrabble board, you obtain the point value on the letter tile.

Scrabble Point Distribution

  • Blank Tiles results in 0 points.
  • A, E, I, O, U, L, N, R, S, T result in 1 point
  • D, G result in 2 points
  • B, C, M, P result in 3 points
  • F, H, W, Y, V result in 4 points
  • K results in 5 point
  • J, X result in 8 points
  • Q, Z result in 10 points
The above list illustrates how many tiles there are in a standard game of Scrabble. There are 100 tiles in scrabble game.

Double and Triple Word Scores

If any of the letters you played on the board covers a double or triple word, add that modifier to your score. If it is a double or triple letter word, just modify the score of the letter on that tile. If you cover a triple letter score and a double word score, just multiply the triple score letter x3 afterward, multiply the entire word score by x2. There is a minimum of scores by these tiles, anyway. The reason is, once it's used it cannot be reused for the same purpose.

Reusing Double and Triple Word Scores

When a double or triple word score has been used, space won't worth a double or triple word anymore. Same goes for double and triple letter scores.